Even though your child might behave well at home, you might notice constant complaints from the teacher about your kids. It can sometimes be a task to undo the label if your kid gets into trouble quite frequently.
It is quite hard to change the image if your kid repeatedly gets into trouble, that’s when the real problem happens. The problem is that he is not a problematic child, but other parents and teachers fear that he may manipulate and influence the kids
We all know that labels are put on the kids most of the time and it is definitely not going to change. Labels can be unfair, subjective, and affect the child mentally and emotionally as well. It does not let the child change for good. Even the most well-behaved kids can get into trouble at school.
In all levels of education, right from play school, the parents should take down what the school personnel wants to convey regarding the kid. Often the parents assume or jump to conclusions based on their own experiences.
- It is initially recommended to listen to what the teacher or the personnel needs to say regarding the behavior of your child
- Listen to them with an open mind and don’t react immediately
- Ask your child about the cause of such behavior in a calm way. Your child might throw tantrums or become repulsive, hence the approach needs to be in a calm and gentle way. Allow your child to speak up and talk regarding their problem and what prompted them to behave in such a way.
- After listening to the teacher and the child, you need to understand their reasons for response and action and create a plan to not only rectify the trouble but also make sure that the child does not repeat the same mistake over again.
Confront the child honestly for their behavior
It is important, to be honest with the child about their behavior and it is suggested to not encourage or let go of these complaints. Have an open mind with regard to the behavior of the child at school as it impacts their personality and also influences their personality.
You need to make sure that the label that is over your child is justified or is thrown over your child. If the teacher tags your child as a troublemaker, ask them the exact action that your kid does and gets into trouble. Understand your child’s behavior pattern to understand if your child is doing this on purpose.
Don’t defend your child when you consciously know that he is wrong
It is important to know that as a parent, you need to advocate for your child’s behavior. If he has done something wrong, he needs to realize it, if not it can lead to serious problems as it will impact his behavior and personality when he grows up.
Understand that defending your child’s misbehavior is not going to change him in any way and can be disruptive. Many parents tend to defend themselves because it is easier to put the teacher and the school personnel on the blame rather than holding your child accountable and forcing them to actually act in a specific way. However, the parents need to understand that change in the behavior takes time, and defending them would only prolong their misbehavior for long.
Coach your child during vacations
It might sometimes not be effective to coach your child while he attends the school, However, during vacation, you can definitely notice a shift in the behavior that the child has. If your child has been labeled a troublemaker, take time during the vacation to actually lay down a specific plan to improve his behavior and make sure that the strategies that you lay down are consistent and effective. Make him understand that being respectful to others would make a big difference in his overall school experience and would help him to have a better connection with the school personnel and peers.
Don’t let the misbehavior impact you
As parents, it can be easier for you to believe that your kids are an extension of who you are. Many parents might feel offended when the teachers point out the trouble and problem that they might notice in the child. It honestly doesn’t make any sense if you get affected by the complaint. You can get defensive and angry and feel offensive. However, you need to stay sane and actually stop comparing it with your overall worth. You need to take the accusations personally as it will make you think ill about the whole situation.
Be completely honest about his behavior
It is important to assert and show the importance of not defending having good behavior in the school. It is important to not just allow him to defend the specific situation. He may be wrong and is not right to defend in any way.
The parents that have problems with the behavior of the kids need to understand that it is easier to fight about the situation with the school rather than actually fighting it with the kids as they would be resistant to your action.
Don’t lower the value of the teacher’s authority in front of your kid
If the parents are having any problems or queries with the authority, it is important that the parents discuss it with the teachers. It is not beneficial for you to undermine or ignore the teacher’s remark at home, as it trains your child to not respect the elders and the teachers in the future. There are situations where the parents won’t agree with the school personnel.
Ask questions calmly
Once you listen and understand the situation all by yourself, it is important to ask relatable and effective questions. It is important to take your time while talking over and productively making sure that you, as a parent, are able to better assess and understand the situation and ask questions that fill in the gap of the knowledge and the information that you know.
Don’t shield your kids from the consequences
One of the things that the parents should look into is the consequences that the child may go through the post the work. The more you chip into the consequences, the less likely it is for your child to change. It is important to let your child face the consequences to know the significance of the situation. The pressure might come off as a negative consequence, at that time the parent needs to back up and help the child navigate through the situation in an optimistic way. When the child falls into trouble over some issue, they need to understand the implications of their activities and learn from them. If the kids don’t realize their mistake, they might soon face the consequences.
Parents and teachers being at the same time
The parents and teachers need to be on the same team to make a difference in the life of the child. If not, it becomes extremely difficult to have full attention and focus on the aspects of the kid. But most of the time in real life, things go against the parents and teachers. This comes from the ground that the parents think that blaming a child’s behavior is a remark over the upbringing of the parents, which offends them quite often. It is important for the parents and teachers to understand that the problem does not surround them, but the child. The child needs some lessons and learning to navigate through the problematic behavior that can be only done with the support of the teacher and the parents. ‘
The bottom line from the entire article can be concluded to be that if your child has a discipline problem, then it requires some attention and there is a problem that needs to be addressed collaboratively by the parents and school personnel. It might take a lot of effort from your side as a parent, but it is something that you should put effort to solve and rectify.
Some kids do need a lot of parenting to get back on the right track and that’s when your parenting ability is tested. Every child is unique and requires a strategic way of upbringing and guidance. It might also compel and make your work with the school of your child. With a good relationship with your child, you will be able to synchronize work and tasks with your kid and create positive relationships in school as well.